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Text File | 1994-05-06 | 13.8 KB | 474 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- unit MyDriver;
- { Code thanks to Pete Resnick }
- interface
- const
- dOpened = $0020;
- dRAMBased = $0040;
- { Structure of the driver resource }
- type
- DriverRecord = record
- drvrFlags: integer;
- drvrDelay: integer;
- drvrEMask: integer;
- drvrMenu: integer;
- drvrOpen: integer;
- drvrPrime: integer;
- drvrCtl: integer;
- drvrStatus: integer;
- drvrClose: integer;
- drvrName: str63;
- { driver name and code follows }
- end;
- DriverPtr = ^DriverRecord;
- DriverHandle = ^DriverPtr;
- DCtlArray = array[0..1000] of DCtlHandle;
- DCtlArrayPtr = ^DCtlArray;
- { These two routines are the ones you want to call }
- function InstallRAMDriver (name: Str255; var refnum: integer; openit: boolean): OSErr;
- function RemoveRAMDriver (refnum: integer): OSErr;
- function DriverIsOpen (name: Str255): boolean;
- { These are used internally but might be useful in unusual circumstances }
- function GetDriverRefNum (name: str255): integer;
- function SizeUTable (entries: integer): OSErr;
- function DriverAvail (var unitNum: integer): OSErr;
- function Get1XResource (var rsrcHndl: Handle; rsrcType: ResType; rsrcID: integer; rsrcInd: integer; rsrcName: StringPtr): OSErr;
- function Get1SysXRsrc (var rsrcHndl: Handle; rsrcType: ResType; rsrcID: integer; rsrcInd: integer; rsrcName: StringPtr): OSErr;
- function PtrInZone (theZone: THz; thePtr: univ Ptr): boolean;
- function HandleInZone (theZone: THz; theHandle: univ Handle): boolean;
- { Undefined, but documented routines }
- function DriverInstall (drvrHandle: handle; refnum: integer): OSErr;
- inline
- $301F, $205F, $2050, $A03D, $3E80;
- function DriverRemove (refnum: integer): OSErr;
- inline
- $301F, $A03E, $3E80;
- { Interupt enable/disable }
- function DisableInterrupts: integer;
- inline
- $4007, $46FC, $2600;
- procedure ResetStatusRegister (oldSR: integer);
- inline
- $46DF;
- { Access low memory globals }
- function LMUTableBase: DCtlArrayPtr;
- inline
- $2EB8, $011C;
- procedure LMSetUTableBase (addr: univ DCtlArrayPtr);
- inline
- $21DF, $011C;
- function LMUnitEntryCount: integer;
- inline
- $3EB8, $1D2;
- procedure LMSetUnitEntryCount (n: integer);
- inline
- $31DF, $01D2;
- implementation
- { * The following code is to install and remove RAM drivers in the system}
- { * heap. Written by Pete Resnick with the help of J. Geagan, Joe Holt,}
- { * Tom Johnson, Michael A. Libes, Charles Martin, John Norstad, Phil}
- { * Shapiro, Eric Braun, David Brown and Matthias Urlichs. Feel free to}
- { * use this in your code, though I do ask that you give credit. Please}
- { * report any bugs to Pete Resnick - resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu. Please read}
- { * the README file and check defines in drvrincludes.h before you use}
- { * this code!!}
- { *}
- { * Change Log}
- { * ----------}
- { * Date: Change: Who:}
- { * ----- ------- ----}
- { * 6/2/92 Changed ThinkCleanup so that it compiles and works pr}
- { * 6/22/92 Corrected declaration of DisableInterrupts eb}
- { * 7/1/92 Corrected declaration of DrvrInstall and DrvrRemove eb/pr}
- { * 10/15/92 Changed Get1SysRsrc to Get1SysXRsrc pr}
- { * 10/18/92 Got rid of thinkReOpen; just return 1 from close pr}
- { * Fixed up PtrInZone to make it a little quicker pr}
- { * 11/6/92 Got rid of auto initialize for newCode and oldCode pr}
- { * Changed PBxxx calls to PBxxxSync pr}
- { * 11/8/92 A little cleanup; moved a few things pr}
- { * 12/17/92 Added HNoPurge to Get1SysXRsrc db/pr}
- { * 1/24/93 Fixed double deletion of DATA handle and dispose db/pr}
- { * of code handle -- major changes to all ThinkXXX}
- { * routines and THINKProc.c}
- { * 2/5/93 Made DriverAvail a little more efficent pr}
- { * 2/6/93 Re-wrote all of the Think routines and THINKProc.c pr}
- { * so that the THINK proc is a pointer instead of a}
- { * handle (needed for locked drivers).}
- { * 2/23/93 Passed drvrInstFlags to RemoveRAMDriver from pr}
- { * InstallRAMDriver error}
- { * 10/21/93 Check for nil handles in RemoveRAMDriver pr}
- { * Zero out close block in RemoveRAMDriver}
- { * Prettified GetDriverRefNum}
- { * Moved DisableInterrupts, ResetInterrupts,}
- { * DrvrInstall, and DrvrRemove from driver.h to}
- { * drvrincludes.h}
- { * }
- { * 19940212 Convert to Pascal PNL}
- { * InstallRAMDriver will install the named driver into the system heap}
- { * return the driver reference number in refNum. }
- function InstallRAMDriver (name: Str255; var refnum: integer; openit: boolean): OSErr;
- var
- err, junk: OSErr;
- drvrHandle: handle;
- rsrcType: ResType;
- rsrcID, unitNum: integer;
- hndlState: signedByte;
- ctlEntryPtr: DCtlPtr;
- drvrPtr: DriverPtr;
- pb: ParamBlockRec;
- begin
- err := noErr;
- if GetDriverRefNum(name) <> 0 then
- err := badUnitErr;
- if err = noErr then
- err := DriverAvail(unitNum);
- if err = noErr then
- err := Get1SysXRsrc(drvrHandle, 'DRVR', 0, 0, @name);
- { Why not just rely on the resource being set to system and non-purgeable and just use Get1NamedResource??? }
- if err = noErr then begin
- GetResInfo(drvrHandle, rsrcID, rsrcType, name);
- err := ResError;
- if err = noErr then begin
- DetachResource(drvrHandle);
- err := ResError;
- end;
- if err <> noErr then
- ReleaseResource(drvrHandle);
- end;
- if err = noErr then begin
- { Install DRVR with the refNum. }
- refnum := -(unitNum + 1);
- hndlState := HGetState(drvrHandle);
- HLock(drvrHandle);
- err := DriverInstall(drvrHandle, refnum);
- HSetState(drvrHandle, hndlState);
- { Cleanup on errors }
- if err <> noErr then
- DisposHandle(drvrHandle);
- end;
- if err = noErr then begin
- { Move the important information to the driver entry }
- ctlEntryPtr := GetDCtlEntry(refnum)^;
- drvrPtr := DriverHandle(drvrHandle)^;
- ctlEntryPtr^.dCtlDriver := ptr(drvrHandle);
- ctlEntryPtr^.dCtlFlags := BOR(drvrPtr^.drvrFlags, dRAMBased);
- ctlEntryPtr^.dCtlDelay := drvrPtr^.drvrDelay;
- ctlEntryPtr^.dCtlEMask := drvrPtr^.drvrEMask;
- ctlEntryPtr^.dCtlMenu := drvrPtr^.drvrMenu;
- { Open the driver }
- if openit then begin
- pb.ioCompletion := nil;
- pb.ioNamePtr := @name;
- pb.ioPermssn := fsCurPerm;
- err := PBOpenSync(@pb);
- end;
- { If an error occurred during the open, remove the DRVR }
- if err <> noErr then
- junk := RemoveRAMDriver(refnum);
- end;
- InstallRAMDriver := err;
- end;
- { * RemoveRAMDriver removes the driver installed in the system heap by}
- { * InstallRAMDriver.}
- function RemoveRAMDriver (refnum: integer): OSErr;
- var
- err: OSErr;
- drvrHandle: handle;
- ctlEntryHndl: DCtlHandle;
- pb: ParamBlockRec;
- hndlState: SignedByte;
- begin
- err := noErr;
- { Get the driver control entry }
- ctlEntryHndl := GetDCtlEntry(refNum);
- if ctlEntryHndl = nil then
- err := unitEmptyErr;
- { Check for nil handle }
- if (err = noErr) & (ctlEntryHndl^ = nil) then
- err := nilHandleErr;
- if err = noErr then begin
- { Get the driver handle }
- drvrHandle := handle(ctlEntryHndl^^.dCtlDriver);
- { close the driver }
- if BAND(ctlEntryHndl^^.dCtlFlags, dOpened) <> 0 then begin
- pb.ioResult := 0;
- pb.ioNamePtr := nil;
- pb.ioVRefNum := 0;
- pb.ioRefNum := refNum;
- pb.ioPermssn := 0;
- err := PBCloseSync(@pb);
- end;
- if err = noErr then begin
- { Remove the driver }
- HLock(drvrHandle);
- err := DriverRemove(refNum);
- end;
- { Dispose of the driver code (nil-safe) }
- DisposHandle(drvrHandle);
- end;
- RemoveRAMDriver := err;
- end;
- { * GetDriverRefNum simply searches through each driver control entry}
- { * for a driver with the same name as that specified in name.}
- { * If found, the reference number is returned. If no driver is found}
- { * by that name, 0 is returned. Reads the low-memory global UnitNtryCnt.}
- function GetDriverRefNum (name: str255): integer;
- var
- unitnum: integer;
- curDCtlHndl: DCtlHandle;
- curDriverPtr: DriverPtr;
- begin
- GetDriverRefNum := 0;
- for unitnum := 0 to LMUnitEntryCount - 1 do begin
- curDCtlHndl := LMUTableBase^[unitnum];
- if curDCtlHndl <> nil then begin
- curDriverPtr := DriverPtr(curDCtlHndl^^.dCtlDriver); { If this is a RAM driver, it's a handle. ROM is a pointer }
- if (curDriverPtr <> nil) & (BAND(curDCtlHndl^^.dCtlFlags, dRAMBased) <> 0) then begin
- curDriverPtr := DriverPtr(handle(curDriverPtr)^);
- end;
- if (curDriverPtr <> nil) & EqualString(name, curDriverPtr^.drvrName, false, true) then begin
- GetDriverRefNum := -(unitNum + 1);
- leave;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- { * SizeUTable sets the size of the driver unit table.}
- { * Interrupts must be disabled during this operation. Changes the}
- { * low-memory globals UTableBase and UnitNtryCnt.}
- function SizeUTable (entries: integer): OSErr;
- var
- newUTableBase, oldUTableBase: ptr;
- oldSR: integer;
- err: OSErr;
- begin
- { Make new Unit Table }
- newUTableBase := NewPtrSysClear(longInt(entries) * SizeOf(DCtlHandle));
- err := MemError;
- if err = noErr then begin
- { Any Device Manager action now would be bad! }
- oldSR := DisableInterrupts;
- { Move the old Unit Table to the new Unit Table }
- BlockMove(ptr(LMUTableBase), newUTableBase, longInt(LMUnitEntryCount) * SizeOf(DCtlHandle));
- oldUTableBase := ptr(LMUTableBase); { Dispose after re-enabling interupts }
- LMSetUTableBase(newUTableBase);
- LMSetUnitEntryCount(entries);
- { Renable interrupts }
- ResetStatusRegister(oldSR);
- DisposePtr(oldUTableBase);
- end;
- SizeUTable := err;
- end;
- { * DriverAvail finds the first available slot in the unit table to}
- { * install the new device driver. It will call SizeUTable if there is}
- { * not enough room in the current unit table. It will return the first}
- { * available slot between LOW_UNIT and UP_UNIT. Reads the low-memory}
- { * global UTableBase and may change as well as read the low-memory global}
- { * UnitNtryCnt.}
- const
- LOW_UNIT = 48; { First Unit Table Entry to use }
- NEW_UNIT = 64; { Size of a "normal" Unit Table }
- MAX_UNIT = 128; { Maximum size of a Unit Table }
- UP_UNIT = 4; { Size to bounce up Unit Table }
- function DriverAvail (var unitNum: integer): OSErr;
- var
- unitIndex: integer;
- UTableSize: integer;
- newsize: integer;
- err: OSErr;
- begin
- err := noErr;
- unitNum := 0;
- { Look for an empty slot in what's already there }
- for unitIndex := LOW_UNIT to LMUnitEntryCount - 1 do begin
- if LMUTableBase^[unitIndex] = nil then begin
- unitNum := unitIndex;
- leave;
- end;
- end;
- if unitnum = 0 then begin
- UTableSize := GetPtrSize(ptr(LMUTableBase)) div SizeOf(DCtlHandle); { the real size of the table }
- if (LOW_UNIT < UTableSize) & (LMUnitEntryCount < UTableSize) then begin
- { We can fit the new entry in the current table }
- if LMUnitEntryCount < LOW_UNIT then begin { Expand to LOW_UNIT first }
- LMSetUnitEntryCount(LOW_UNIT);
- end;
- unitNum := LMUnitEntryCount;
- LMSetUnitEntryCount(LMUnitEntryCount + 1);
- err := noErr;
- end
- else if UTableSize < MAX_UNIT then begin
- { we *can* increase the table size }
- newsize := UTableSize + UP_UNIT;
- if newsize < NEW_UNIT then begin
- newsize := NEW_UNIT;
- end
- else if newsize > MAX_UNIT then begin
- newsize := MAX_UNIT;
- end;
- unitNum := LMUnitEntryCount;
- err := SizeUTable(newsize);
- if err <> noErr then begin
- unitNum := 0;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- err := unitTblFullErr;
- end;
- end;
- DriverAvail := err;
- end;
- { * Get1XResource gets a handle to a resource. The resource}
- { * will be retrieved according to resource type and either resource name,}
- { * or resource index, or resource ID, in that order, whichever is}
- { * non-zero.}
- function Get1XResource (var rsrcHndl: Handle; rsrcType: ResType; rsrcID: integer; rsrcInd: integer; rsrcName: StringPtr): OSErr;
- var
- err: OSErr;
- begin
- if rsrcName <> nil then begin
- rsrcHndl := Get1NamedResource(rsrcType, rsrcName^);
- end
- else if rsrcInd <> 0 then begin
- rsrcHndl := Get1IndResource(rsrcType, rsrcInd);
- end
- else begin
- rsrcHndl := Get1Resource(rsrcType, rsrcID);
- end;
- err := ResError;
- if (err = noErr) & (rsrcHndl = nil) then
- err := resNotFound;
- Get1XResource := err;
- end;
- { * Get1SysXRsrc gets a handle to the requested resource making sure that}
- { * both the resource itself and the master pointer are in the system heap}
- { * and non-purgeable. }
- function Get1SysXRsrc (var rsrcHndl: Handle; rsrcType: ResType; rsrcID: integer; rsrcInd: integer; rsrcName: StringPtr): OSErr;
- var
- savedZone, tempSysZone: THz;
- err, ptrCode: OSErr;
- begin
- { Make sure everything loads in the system heap }
- savedZone := GetZone;
- tempSysZone := SystemZone;
- SetZone(tempSysZone);
- SetResLoad(true);
- err := Get1XResource(rsrcHndl, rsrcType, rsrcID, rsrcInd, rsrcName);
- if (err = noErr) & not HandleInZone(tempSysZone, rsrcHndl) then begin
- ReleaseResource(rsrcHndl);
- err := Get1XResource(rsrcHndl, rsrcType, rsrcID, rsrcInd, rsrcName);
- end;
- if (err = noErr) & not HandleInZone(tempSysZone, rsrcHndl) then begin
- ReleaseResource(rsrcHndl);
- err := memAZErr;
- end;
- if err = noErr then begin
- HNoPurge(rsrcHndl);
- end;
- { Restore the zone to what it was }
- SetZone(savedZone);
- Get1SysXRsrc := err;
- end;
- { * PtrInZone just checks to see whether the specified pointer is within}
- { * the specified zone.}
- function PtrInZone (theZone: THz; thePtr: univ Ptr): boolean;
- var
- stripMask, testPtr, dataStart, dataLim: longInt;
- begin
- testPtr := longInt(StripAddress(thePtr));
- dataStart := longInt(StripAddress(@theZone^.heapData));
- dataLim := longInt(StripAddress(theZone^.bkLim));
- PtrInZone := (dataStart <= testPtr) & (testPtr < dataLim);
- end;
- { * HandleInZone just checks to see whether the specified pointer is within}
- { * the specified zone.}
- function HandleInZone (theZone: THz; theHandle: univ Handle): boolean;
- begin
- HandleInZone := PtrInZone(theZone, theHandle) & PtrInZone(theZone, theHandle^);
- end;
- { * DriverIsOpen is self evident }
- function DriverIsOpen (name: Str255): boolean;
- var
- refnum: integer;
- begin
- refnum := GetDriverRefNum('.ipp');
- DriverIsOpen := (refnum <> 0) & (BAND(GetDCtlEntry(refnum)^^.dCtlFlags, dOpened) <> 0);
- end;
- end.